Hey, y’all! I hope you’ve been having a great week. I’ve stayed pretty busy getting ready for the beach, but I managed to set aside some time to film my current makeup routine! Aside from hair questions, my most asked question is probably some variation of, “What makeup are you wearing?” I thought filming a video would be easier than writing a post, because you can actually see what I’m using and how I use it. I made sure to link all the products I used in the video description! This is my first time filming myself, so I know it isn’t perfect….and I know I’m a little awkward on camera. BUT it was really important to me to make this video as authentic as possible. I wanted you guys to feel like we were just hanging out talking about makeup, so I hope I accomplished that. Remember, if you enjoy this video, pleaseeee share this post or the video itself. It would really mean a lot to me! And as always, if you have any feedback or any other video ideas, feel free to comment on the video, my blog, or send me an email. I really do love connecting with all of you!
Quick, Easy, Everyday Makeup Routine